The UW-Madison Economics Department is a highly ranked program dedicated to excellence in research and teaching. The department is one of the largest departments in the College of Letters and Science with over 35 faculty, 1,200 undergraduate majors, and more than 300 graduate students

Graduation Celebration!
Join us as the Department of Economics honors our 2025 graduates in a virtual ceremony!

View the directory of 2025 PhD candidates entering the job market.

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It is difficult to find the right words to express the pain we feel over the institutional racism, racial injustice, and racial inequality in our society. We deplore the senseless and inexcusable killing of George Floyd and others before him. We unequivocally condemn these acts of brutality.
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We know that people of color, and especially Black people, are underrepresented in Economics. It is imperative we change that, and we resolve to do more. We will continue to work with our Black students and, based on their feedback, do everything we can to address their needs and improve their experiences as economics majors. We welcome input from anyone, especially students and alumni, on how we can foster an inclusive culture in our department. We are committed to listening, learning, and changing.
飞兔加速器安卓版, the American Economic Association, and the National Economic Association have put out powerful statements about recent events. We encourage you to read them and engage with the issues.
The Faculty and Staff of the UW-Madison Economics Department
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